Thanks Giving weekend was pretty good as always. I'm always thankful of my family who always been there for me. On that day of Thanks Giving, we were invited to attend 2 of my uncle's Thanks Giving feast. That's how it is every year, going to uncles house to eat. when we arrived at their house, the house was full of uncles, aunts, and cousins too. Just looking at all the food that they had prepared. Egg-rolls! Turkey! Fish! A noddle soup! And many more of Hmong food! it was a pretty big feast that was going on that day. they also had desserts! Pies, cake, and ice cream. after all that food, we had to go my in-laws too. They had about the same food their. so it was still good to eat anyways. That was a lot of food we had to eat in one day. It felt like I gain fifty pounds. I had to loosen up the belt buckle. Ooh.. I can't forget about the drinking too. At my uncle's house, he just kept on passing out shot of Hmong liqueur. And that stuff is pretty strong. I had about 4 shots and felt like i was junk already. All day we went about eating and drinking. We had a good time. I think next year Thanks Giving, i should really cut down on my eat and drinking. But in the end;the food was the best part.
Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving, being with family is always a fun time.