Monday, September 6, 2010

About myself!!

Hi, I'm Phong Thao. I’m in the Architectural Technology program. Someday I hope to be a well known home designer in the next five years.  I am married with one son.  He's three years old named Vincent.  We're expecting a second son by the end of this month.   
One thing that I enjoy doing going is fishing.  Fishing is a time where I relax; it's a time where I can spend time to myself.  I would have to say, I'm a competitive fisherman. I like the challenge trying to catch a bigger fish then your partner.  Other things that I enjoy doing are playing volleyball and soccer with friends and family. 

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as how Bobby Bullet is a graphic designer, he is also interested in home design and was thinking about taking classes in that area.
