Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Labor Day

My Labor Day was long exhausting day. It started as the alarm clock went off at 4:00am. As I try to open my eyes I thought to myself, this day will be a long tough day. Today was hu plig for my Dad. Hu plig is a day where the shaman a healing practitioner who interact with the spirits and material world. My uncles say, they seen a change in my father’s health and harmony that’s why the hu plig needed to be done. By doing the hu plig it will bring my father back to good health and bring his soul happy again. The hu plig ritual includes sacrificing animals, burning spirit money, and a lot of preparing and cooking. That morning I had to go with my uncles to kill two pigs for the ritual. The killing of the animal is a role done by men only and the role of women is to prepare and cook. As my uncles and I arrive back to my Dad’s house at 8:00am with the pigs, the house was full with aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins, and friends. As the shaman begins her journey the incent starts burning, the gong starts drumming, and women started to prepare food. On the menu was boiled pork with greens, egg rolls, and salad. As the day went by, women were still cooking and the men were sitting around chatting away. Lunch wasn’t served until 1:00pm. As time came, the men came and took their seat on the table. As part of the ritual the family members are given a white string to tie around the wrist of the person who is being blessed. The white strings are blessing from family and friends. Then extensive toasting takes place while the women comes and serves food and drinks. By the time everyone was eating I was running around the house making sure everything was done. By the time I got to eat the men were leaving the table ready to leave home and the women were cleaning up. As all family and friends left at 4:00pm, I was left to clean: dishes, big pots and pan, garbage outside, and the list goes on and on. At 6:00pm, majority of the cleaning was done I was tired and exhausted and ready to go to bed. It may have been a long exhausting day but I’m glad we’re able to bless my father good luck and to see family and friends.


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty busy weekend Phong. I guess all that matters is that you enjoyed company of your friends and family and had a fun time.

  2. Sounds very interesting.... I wish your father the best of luck!
