Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog Review!

Phong Thao
Upcoming Weekend!
This coming weekend I’m going to be busy.  My fiancĂ© and I are planning to do a ceremony for my two sons.  We called it Hu Plig (Calling of the spirit to be in good health).  Hu Plig has been in the Hmong culture as long as I know.  Hu Plig dates back when in the old days when my parents were living in Laos.  Hu Plig is used when one spirit is not in good health, loss, happy, and many more.  This tradition has been with the Hmong for ages. The shaman does the calling. He or she will perform a traditional calling of the spirit.  Shaman will need a certain knife, drum, and finger rings to perform the Hu Plig.  Shamans are the one who really does the calling of the spirit.  In my case of my ceremony I had, my grandpa did the calling for my new born. For some Hu Plig you might have to butcher a pig or a cow depending on the situation or calling.  Since our Hu Plig wasn’t as big, we butchered a pig.  So the whole event started in the morning like 5 a.m. since we had to get everything prepared for the feast.  My mom got up around 4 a.m. and cooked rice.  As we arrived at my mom house; we went right to work with getting the food prepared.  As aunts and uncles arrived in the morning, they all helped with the cooking.  My dad and mom had set a time for the feast at 11.  So, that even made us worked hard to get all things prepared.  As the day went on, time came closer to get all the food on the table (which we had connected 3 tables together).  The table is set up with food all over the table.  In the middle of the table, where my grandpa will be sitting, we place a platter with flowers in the center of it.  Fruits, candy, cookies, and eggs are placed around the flower.  Also, we will have two boiled chicken in a platter next to it.  We had the pig tail with the chicken platter. A lighten candle and cup of water is placed on the table.  When everyone is seated in their place on the table, my grandpa brushed our hands (my two sons, fiancĂ©, and I) with white strings.  The brushing of the strings meant as a brush all the bad thing away.  Then he took two strings and burned it (mean getting rid of the bad things) and then placed it in the cup water.  After that is done, we have two people to check the chicken if it shows any sign of good or bad.  Signs are consists of checking the inner mouth piece, feet (the way it curves), and the whole chicken it’s self.  They will pass out the strings around to everyone.  Then they came up and tied it around ours wrists.  The strings are meant for good health, luck.  After that was over, they all pass out the strings, came up to us to, and tied the strings around our wrists.  As we stand there, they will say words as they are tying. The word that was said is for good health and luck.  The strings represent of the good in health, soul, and luck. After all that was over with, we all ate.  At the end of the day, when everyone leaves, we have to clean up the whole house.  Finally that was all over.  It is time to sit and relax of a second.  Over all the ceremony (Hu Plig) went as planned.  The ceremony (Hu Plig) cost us about thousand dollars.


I was head to work when the first snow came down.  It came pretty quick.  As I was working, I looked outside and saw an accident.  Wow!! It had to be the snow that made everyone in a rush.  The accident looks pretty bad. The car did a tree-sixty and was facing oncoming traffic.  Luckily no one was injured.  As time went by at work, it just kept on snowing.  Damn, now I have to get out the shovels and shovel our drive way before it piles up. I thought it would stop after that day… I guess I was wrong!  It snow two more days.  Wow!!!! It is a pain in the butt to be out there in the cold just shoveling our drive way.  The snow was pretty heavy.  But I manage to get it all done within an hour.  I guess my son made like the snow.  He just wanted to go out there and jump in to the big pile of snow and throw snow balls at me.  He had the chance to be out there with me.  He just ran around in the snow and got himself stuck at the bottom of a hill.  Daddy, daddy, daddy I need help!!! As I walk over there to see, I was laughing because he was covered in snow.  As I got him out.  He just went straight inside.  It seems it was just the beginning of winter and now we have this much snow already.  God I wish I had move to a warm place!! I guess I can live with that.  By the middle of winter I know that it’s going to get worse.  Hopefully not!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Writing Assignment!!

In one of my class I our final is to write a paper about a product of your choice ( building materials).  I'm writing about Hydro energy.  Here's a little of my paper!

Hydro System
Money, you can use or buy anything you want with it.  It comes down to savings when you looking into buying something.  What about your home savings?  Homes saving are a plus!  Electric bill is a big fact in homes cost such as appliances and lighting's. There are many things out there to help reduce cost.  For example, lighting's you could use low fluorescent light bulbs.  Another way to reduce electric bill is to use an energy efficient that I powered by water turbine.  Some of the products comes with a battery base which it can store your energy source. 
What is Hydro System?
A hydro system consists of a cylinder tube that houses the main machine that holds a turbine that is connected to a generator system.   The system could be place in anybody of water.  The water current or flow would turn the turbine that spins the generator to create electricity.   These systems are placed by river currents, streams, and in the ocean. 
The hydro system doesn’t create any green house gases or air pollution.  It is also carbon free which it doesn’t burn any fossil fuels. Hydro energy is a renewable source.  The hydro power turns kinetic energy from the flow of the water into electricity and never use more than other resources. The saving on having one of this hydro systems put in might be costly, but it all adds up in the end when you see the saving.  This product doesn’t affect those fishes that live where it is placed. 
Used In Homes!
So what your thought of this paper so far?  Is it good, okay, or bad?  I'm hoping to get this paper done by FRIDAY!!!!!  Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Shopping!!!!!

As you a know Christmas is on it way here soon.  We all have plans to sent it with the family.  It's always the best time when it comes to getting gifts.  It's not just about the gift, it's all about the how the time is spent with the loves one you have in your life.  As for me, my Christmas will be in the twin cities.  We sibling,  had came up with the idea to doing secret Santa.  In my family there are eight of us.  But over all with everyone (brothers, sisters, wife's, mom, dad, and nieces, and nephews) that will make us about fifteen to sixteen.  There for, it would save us a bit on our money instead for getting everyone a present, as you all know how much thing cost nowadays.  As we draw for whom we get to have for secret Santa, I have my younger brother.  I have no idea what to get him.  I received a email re-guarding his wish list.  Some things on the list was gift cards. I was thinking of getting something gift cards, but just don't know where.  At this moment i might just go with a gift card.  Wow!! Its so hard to figure out what i should get him.  Well, there still little time left for me to think over on what to get him.  I just have to go to the store and look for something that i think he'll like.  Its not all about the gift, it's the thought of giving one.


Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan was born on 8th of April, 1938 in Kumasi, (Gold Coast) now Ghana.  Kofi Annan is married to Nane, a lawyer and a painter. Kofi and Nane have three children’s.  His father is a provincial governor and a chief of the Fante people.  The Noble Peace Prize award was given to Kofi Annan and the United Nations in 2001.  Kofi Annan received many medals, honors, and international prizes also.  His most noted award is the Nobel Peace Prize which he won in 2001.  He recognized the importance of the award regarding his work. In his Nobel Prize address, Kofi Annan states:
What it does have is the Nobel Prize – a statement of hope and courage with unique resonance and authority. Only by understanding and addressing the needs of individuals for peace, for dignity, and for security can we at the United Nations hope to live up to the honors conferred today, and fulfill the vision of our founders. This is the broad mission of peace that United Nations staff members carry out every day in every part of the world.  (Nobel Lecture, Oslo, December 10, 2001, Kofi Annan Para. 21.)
If feel like he stated this in a form of winning the Nobel Peace Prize does not mean a lot, but show that they will live up to preserve humanity.
Kofi Annan studied in Kumasi at University of Science and Technology.  He later finished his undergraduate in economics at Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN in 1961 and then took economics at the University of Institute of des hautes etudes Internationals in Geneva. Kofi Annan received his Master of Science degree in Massachusetts Institute if Technology’s Sloan School of Management in 1971-1972.  Kofi Annan joined the World Health Organization in 1962 in Geneva.  He later served with the high office UN High Commissioner for Refugees.  Kofi Annan was the first to be elected from the UN staff.  Also, he was the first African to be elected for Sectary General. 
His first five year term began January 1st, 1997; he was re-appointed in 2002. His work contributed to a better organized and more peaceful world.  As secretary-general, his goal was to reform the United Nations and make the system more effective.  He also, advocated for human rights and the rule of law.  Kofi Annan had the idea to create two new governmental houses with in the United Nations: the Peace building and the Human Rights Council. The Global Fund to fight AIDS was another initiated that was brought with Kofi Annan’s work and S1.5 billion in pledges and contributions to the AIDS Global Fund.  (Nobel Peace Prize, Oslo, Kofi Annan Biography, p2.)  His work through his Global Compact is responsible for protecting all the people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crime against humanist. (Former Secretaries-General, Http://, p1)  In 2000, an outline was made to end poverty and inequality, improve education, cut HIV/AIDS, and protect people from violence.
In his Nobel acceptance speech:
In the 21st Century I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound, awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion. This will require us to look beyond the framework of States, and beneath the surface of nations or communities. We must focus, as never before, on improving the conditions of the individual men and women who give the state or nation its richness and character. We must begin with the young Afghan girl, recognizing that saving that one life is to save humanity itself. (Nobel Lecture, Oslo, December 10, 2001, Kofi Annan Para. 3). 
I feel that this quote will define the United Nation to become more successful in the work of protecting humanity its self.
Over all, Kofi Annan has a long and hard dedication to his work that proves that he is well deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.  His work shows that he is capable to prove that one’s hard work for the safety, security, and peace will make a big impact on the world.  

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanks Giving Weekend!!!!!

Thanks Giving weekend was pretty good as always.  I'm always thankful of my family who always been there for me.  On that day of Thanks Giving, we were invited to attend 2 of my uncle's Thanks Giving feast. That's how it is every year, going to uncles house to eat. when we arrived at their house, the house was full of uncles, aunts, and cousins too.  Just looking at all the food that they had prepared.  Egg-rolls! Turkey! Fish! A noddle soup! And many more of Hmong food!  it was a pretty big feast that was going on that day.  they also had desserts! Pies, cake, and ice cream.  after all that food, we had to go my in-laws too.  They had about the same food their.  so it was still good to eat anyways. That was a lot of food we had to eat in one day.  It felt like I gain fifty pounds.  I had to loosen up the belt buckle. Ooh.. I can't forget about the drinking too. At my uncle's house, he just kept on passing out shot of Hmong liqueur.  And that stuff is pretty strong.  I had about 4 shots and felt like i was junk already.  All day we went about eating and drinking.  We had a good time.  I think next year Thanks Giving, i should really cut down on my eat and drinking.  But in the end;the food was the best part.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Brithday!!!

Wow!!!!! It seem like he was a little baby, now hes grow up so fast.  Its his birthday today Nov. 16th. Wow!!! He's FOUR now!!It was six in the morning when my wife and I told Vincent that it was his birthday.  He just look at us in daze and all he wanted is to go back to sleep.  As that morning went on.  I got him up, gave him a bath, and got him dress.  The wife had plan to go down stairs to get his little cake ready for him.  As the time came closer to go down stairs, the wife had lighten the candle and video cam in her hands ready to video him.  Vincent took the last step down, his face glowed with a big happy face.  IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! MOMMY. That was the word that came out of his mouth, the sound of joy.  After we sung HAPPY BIRTHDAY and he blew out the candle, all he wanted to do is dive right into the cake "face first".  "The birthday gift" as my wife said.  I pointed to the closet, and said "It's in there".  As we gave him his presents, he just opened up the toys and started to play with them all.  He also wanted to took them to grandpa house too.  As that was a perfect morning for Vincent, it was all about seeing him excited. Over all, the master plan of this goes to my wife. I thought it would be too early to do his birthday.  I guess I was wrong.  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Article. Give Away!

As I was at work, working the late shift! Nothing to do like always. Just standing there waiting for customer to come in.  As time went on, I got bored and went to get the local paper to read.  The only time I'll read the paper if there is something weird  or some thing that might be interesting.  I came across an article of a couple who won the lottery "about 11.2 million dollars" in Canada. "Wow!!! Thats lucky! I wish it was me!" The head lines reads. Allen and Violet Large gave all the winning to a charity.  I thought to myself  "why?" You could of use that money for a lot, a lot of things.  As i kept reading it got pretty interesting. From this statement I thought i good pretty good  “What you’ve never had, you never miss,” Violet said.  It came to my mind as how thoughtful one person to be. Most of all, I like when  he stated “That money that we won was nothing. We have each other.”  Now this person doesn't care about how money he has in his pockets, in the end its you and her.  As I read on, it showed the couple picture.  Wow!!! I thought them to be a younger people like in their 60 or so.  But in the end it was a great thing what the couple did.  I guess! I don't there will be people out there would do that.  Most people  would take a break (long vacation) from work just to travel.  Or, might just go on a shopping spree, just to see how much money can you blow off on.  What would you do with all that money?

Upcoming Weekend!

This coming up weekend is going to be busy.  Have to plan out the ceremony party for my two son.  The ceremony is called Hu Plig,  it is used when one spirit is not in good health, loss, happy, and many more.  I hope everything goes well as we planned.  We still have to do a lot of food shopping for the event. Also, I need to get my parents house ready too.  We have invited all the cousins, uncles, and aunts to come and celebrate the moment with us.  This is going to a average size feast.  I don't think I would want this to be any bigger then it is!  Hu Plig tends to be on the pricey side.  You'll be looking to sent at least 1000 dollars.  for our ceremony, the budget we plan for the event might cost us about 800 to 900 dollars. I hoping for us to spent only  800 dollars. So my weekend is plan out.  I know that it is going to be a hard weekend. You might not know this, but he prepare a lot of things just to get this ceremony.  We have to call of pigs, chickens, and shaman.  Plus you have to call your entire cousins, uncles, and aunts to for the event.  Just this ceremony it takes time.  It might sound easy, but I think its hard.  So, I just hope this weekend will go as plan.  Hope that nothing goes wrong with it. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


HALLOWEEN!!HALLOWEEN!!HALLOWEEN!! Its that of time already.  i know my son will enjoy this time.  He's is in the spirit of dressing up. All day he was waiting for the time to go out and get a bunch of candy.   it was about three-thirty, it was  time to get him dress! Last year he was a ninja.  I guess he kind of going for that look too this year.  Japanese Power Ranger! Morphin time!  We hope that the weather will turn out nice.  Last year he was afraid to say "trick or treat".  He made my wife and I.  I guess he's a big boy now, he can say it this time.   The plan is to stay around the north side and might work our way to the south side where grandpa and grandma lives.  The next plan is to wait for my brother-in-laws son.  I think it would be a perfect idea for those two to go together.  But times they kind of fight, just over like thing like wanting toys or not sharing.   Over all, it's just abut the kids having fun and letting them eat all the candy they want to.


As nine months ago, all the waiting is over.  Later that night, my wife was experiencing stomach pains.  It was late at night, so we just went to bed.  It was four in the morning, as my wife woke me up and said “My water broke!"  I got up as fast as I can to get all the things ready for us to go to the hospital.  As we head into the car, he had to make a stop at my mother-in-laws to drop off my son there.   As we made our way to the hospital, my wife just said "sorry."  I replied back "For what?"  All she said was "I got your seat wet."  I was "What" for a second and just said "Who Cares."  As we got there, she made me hind a parking space.  I was going to park in emergency area until they get we room.  So, I just did what she told me to do.  Going throw the doors, all I thought of was the baby and the wife.  I was nerves.  It felt like when we had our first child.  All the same feeling came back.   When the nurses got us a room, the mid-wife came in and check if she was dilated.  The nurse said “Two Centimeters.” I think that is what she said.  As they felt the room, I asked my wife if she was going to have a normal birth.  I mean no drug used such as an epidural. She replies back and said yes.  Are you able to bare all the pain?  “Yes” she said.  Okay then!  In the moment of time, it came to deliver the baby.  She wanted me to stand by her side as she was holding my hands.  I thought I my hand was going to get rip out.  As she squeezing my hand, the pain was unbearable. But I know I just had to put up with the pain.  About an hour later, we had our son on the 30th of September.  He weight at seven pounds and eleven ounces.  That was the same weight as our first child.  What name should we pick?  The wife had picked out a couple of names like Jaxson, Bentley, and others.   We have chosen to go with Jaxson.  As I think about it, the time when we had our child, it almost a month already. Where did the time go! Wow! It went by fast.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When I was younger, I was always skeptical of the things people told me. I always needed to have things proven to me before I would believe them.  Maybe that is because I was always very independent. 
As my life goes on, there was a moment in my life that I never thought would come as soon as it did.  On that Saturday afternoon, I got a call from my girlfriend.  As she spoke the tone of her voice changed, it sounded like there was something wrong. It came to me; she was mad at me because I went out last night and didn’t call her. I was wrong.  It appeared that she needed to talk to me in person, but I realized I had no idea what was on her mind.  I found out later that afternoon; she said in a slow timid voice “I’m pregnant”!   
Millions of thoughts went through my mind. ”I don’t believe you!”   “Are you sure?”  “Have you tested yourself yet?” “When?” “Are you really sure?”  Or you’re just playing with my mind to see what I’ll say about it. I stood alone thinking to myself: “how could this happen.”  I always thought my life would be all fun and games.  Life as I knew it was fun.  I had planned to go to school, get a good job, and maybe travel.  I never thought this could happen to me.  For the rest of the night I couldn’t think of anything else.
I called her later to ask her to take another pregnancy test so I could be sure that I going to be a father. The very next day we bought a pregnancy test to see if the result is the same.  As we wove though the store looking for the pregnancy test, I kept asking myself: “how could this happen! Why me! Why can’t this come later in life why now?” Then, there it was, in the middle of the shelf.  “The” test the one that will tell me how life going to turn out.  Now it was in the hands of “faith”. On the way home I kept picturing both a plus and a minus sign. If it turns out to be positive; I guess that’s how life is going to be then “I’ll be a father”.  As she goes in, the door closes behind her; she takes the test, and walks out.  The result will show up in minutes.  It seems like life on a thin line right now! When the waiting was over, she went in to look. I followed. The moment of truth! A blue line. 
Oh no! As I look closer and it showed a positive sign. Frustration showed on my face as I processed the results. I’m going to be a father! I’m going to be a father! I’m going to be a father!  As I look at her, all she said “I told you!” “I told you!”  I replied: I guess you were right.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it didn’t have to be a bad thing.  I guess it could be a good change in life, like no more parties, going out or going out of town. The party life is over now.  It’s time to show that I can change. Show that I’m ready to be a father now.  The nine months of waiting came fast and on November of 16th of 2006 our child, a son named Vincent was born.    Marvel at a gift of Vincent. We never know what direction life will take us to. All we need to make the best in our life.  Life as you all know it can change in seconds.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


What is it about learning? Learning comes in many ways as one learns how to. When it comes to learning it’s like a series of stairs that you’ll have to face. In order to be taught how to learn you have to overcome obstacles and make attempts to complete the tasks in your life. You might fail, but in order to improve your learning you must practice and challenge yourself. It’s amazing how children spend their time in learning because nothing is plan. Learning should be not plan because learning is something that one can teach, but it’s always one that has to learn for him or herself to understand the meaning or teaching. As time goes on, the learning ability improves.  As you move up the series of stairs, the more learning or knowledge you’ll get as improvement is made by the time used in your tasks you conquered.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Labor Day

My Labor Day was long exhausting day. It started as the alarm clock went off at 4:00am. As I try to open my eyes I thought to myself, this day will be a long tough day. Today was hu plig for my Dad. Hu plig is a day where the shaman a healing practitioner who interact with the spirits and material world. My uncles say, they seen a change in my father’s health and harmony that’s why the hu plig needed to be done. By doing the hu plig it will bring my father back to good health and bring his soul happy again. The hu plig ritual includes sacrificing animals, burning spirit money, and a lot of preparing and cooking. That morning I had to go with my uncles to kill two pigs for the ritual. The killing of the animal is a role done by men only and the role of women is to prepare and cook. As my uncles and I arrive back to my Dad’s house at 8:00am with the pigs, the house was full with aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins, and friends. As the shaman begins her journey the incent starts burning, the gong starts drumming, and women started to prepare food. On the menu was boiled pork with greens, egg rolls, and salad. As the day went by, women were still cooking and the men were sitting around chatting away. Lunch wasn’t served until 1:00pm. As time came, the men came and took their seat on the table. As part of the ritual the family members are given a white string to tie around the wrist of the person who is being blessed. The white strings are blessing from family and friends. Then extensive toasting takes place while the women comes and serves food and drinks. By the time everyone was eating I was running around the house making sure everything was done. By the time I got to eat the men were leaving the table ready to leave home and the women were cleaning up. As all family and friends left at 4:00pm, I was left to clean: dishes, big pots and pan, garbage outside, and the list goes on and on. At 6:00pm, majority of the cleaning was done I was tired and exhausted and ready to go to bed. It may have been a long exhausting day but I’m glad we’re able to bless my father good luck and to see family and friends.

Monday, September 6, 2010

About myself!!

Hi, I'm Phong Thao. I’m in the Architectural Technology program. Someday I hope to be a well known home designer in the next five years.  I am married with one son.  He's three years old named Vincent.  We're expecting a second son by the end of this month.   
One thing that I enjoy doing going is fishing.  Fishing is a time where I relax; it's a time where I can spend time to myself.  I would have to say, I'm a competitive fisherman. I like the challenge trying to catch a bigger fish then your partner.  Other things that I enjoy doing are playing volleyball and soccer with friends and family.